Demonstrating an unwavering commitment to education and the development of young minds, Thalia Hodge is the visionary force behind the establishment of Excelsior Child Care. Driven by an impassioned dedication to nurturing the innate potential of children, Mrs. Hodge laid the foundation for Excelsior Child Care in 2015, ignited by the arrival of her first child. Her steadfast mission to create a comprehensive and nurturing environment where children can flourish fuels the essence of Excelsior Child Care.
Armed with an M.Ed. in Early Childhood and Secondary Education, Mrs. Hodge boasts a rich educational background spanning back to her position as an ESL instructor at LaGuardia Community College in 2001. Her journey includes roles as an educator and principal in Georgia. Throughout her career, Mrs. Hodge's unparalleled zeal for fostering learning and growth resonates in every aspect of Excelsior Child Care. This establishment stands as a sanctuary where education is not merely imparted but thrives, allowing the boundless potential of young minds to blossom and flourish.
Embark on a journey of boundless discovery with Excelsior Child Care. Our 'Beyond-the-Walls Learning' approach brings education to life through outdoor adventures, engaging field trips, and vibrant celebrations. Let your child thrive in a nurturing environment that fosters holistic development. We have two locations with one unforgettable experience! Contact us today to learn how your child can join the adventure.